I’ve never been a fan of that flow, but at the same time, their auto map does look quite elaborate – map complexity seems on par with something like the original BioShock – so there has to be a mix of gameplay styles we just aren’t seeing. You enter a room and fight waves of enemies before you can move on. My only complaint about the footage they’ve shown is that it seems very arena-centric. So id has been completely focused on delivering a single player campaign and Snapmap. This is a game that could have some serious replayability, and that’s great considering that the number one shortcoming of Wolfenstein: TNO was that it had so little replayability.Īnother thing to remember is that id didn’t do the multiplayer. The stream they did where they showcased three different levels sold me on the game, but the Snapmap demonstration a few days later really got me excited. I think there was some damage control after the multiplayer beta and the single player stuff came right on time to assuage those fears. I think a few people have outright given up on the idea that Valve will ever produce the game, but I personally don’t fall for that at all. When you play virtually anyone’s maps, you’ll see their interpretation, however close or far, but it’s still always going to be an interpretation, not the ‘real thing’ for most folks. When you play Leon’s maps (and I hope you’ve played the two before the Closure) you’ll see Leon, not Valve. No modder knows what was in store, and none of us agree completely about what direction the game would eventually take. For many of us mod players, anyone that puts out a ‘it’s half life 3 really’ (I know why the Closure was called that, as a statement, but I still don’t think it should have been that way) miss the mark by a long shot. Most of us say “no, leave hl3 to the people who developed it”, because it’s their baby and their story to tell. There’s an existing poll and conversation about this exact subject somewhere on the site. (( this is Zekiran, darnit it didn’t log me on)) The Replay Experience Experiment aka TREE.